Let's Design your own signature Lotion or Natural Perfume
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Solstice 2024
What an incredible time of the year, when the sun is so close to us, we soak up the sun's warmth and strength and try to fall asleep while the sun is still setting! Then we start heading the other way towards shorter days and less light in the garden, a wonderful time to use introspection.
I like to use this time to be quiet and reflect on the past 12 months. Gratitude speaks loudest to me, the theme of the year. Gratitude for all that is LIFE. Thank you for being part of this all. I am grateful for the ability to continue learning and growing in my experiences and knowledge of Ayurveda and the plant kingdom.
My deepest passion is in the plant world and aromatics. This website is a gentle way of sharing this passion and is evolving. Let me share my ideas for this new year. Currently, I am studying Aromadermatology. By the end of this course in December, I hope to offer an even more expert plan for using aromatherapy and skin care products for all skin issues and care.
Look for my newest offering for individualized lotions and natural perfumes. Using an Ayurvedic model of assessing doshas and imbalances, I want to help others find what is needed to help them find peace and balance in their life and in their skin. You know how it feels when your skin is off? itchy, irritated, dry? Simple daily routines can help us find the balance to calm these symptoms and allow our body and mind to heal.
Happy Solstice 2024....Join me on a new adventure and CREATE your signature blend for Lotions, Natural Perfumes or Serums! Email me, or set up a consultation! I would LOVE to share this passion for plant aromatics and healing with you!